Our Communication and Psychophysiology Lab (CAP Lab) focuses on understanding “the dynamics of cognition and communication” (the DOCC), especially:

  • Motivation, emotion, and cognition in media processing and choice behavior; media design and evaluation.
  • Reciprocal dynamics of choice behavior and information processing; mHealth (mobile health) applications.
  • Psychophysiological methods; dynamic computational modeling methods; more recently, data fusion and big data.
  • Quantum probabilistic and dynamic models of cognition and decision; contextualized communication, decision, and choices; more recently, extending the work to communication networks and a new theory for modeling networks.

The new book is here!: Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology.

New Book: The Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology

February 3, 2015/0 Comments/in News Update /by Zheng Wang


A inside look of my newly coauthored book.
