

B2. Wang, Z., & Busemeyer, J. R. (forthcoming). Cognitive choice modeling. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

B1. Busemeyer, J. R., Wang, Z., Townsend, J. T., & Eidels, A. (2015). Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.


J40. Busemeyer, J. R., & Wang, Z. (2018). Hilbert space multi-dimensional modeling. Psychological Review, 125, 572-591.


J39. Busemeyer, J. R., & Wang, Z. (in press). Data fusion using Hilbert space multi-dimensional models. Theoretical Computer Science.


J38. Busemeyer, J. R., & Wang, Z. (2017). Is there a problem with quantum models of psychological measurements? PLoS ONE, 12, e0187733.


J37. Banjo, O., Wang, Z., Appiah, O., Brown, C., Walther-Martin, W., Tchernev, J., Hedstrom, A., & Irwin, M. (2017). Experiencing racial humor with out-groups: A psychophysiological examination of co-viewing effects. Media Psychology, 20, 607-631.  


J36. Anderegg, C., Alade, S., Ewoldsen, D., & Wang, Z. (2017). Comprehension models of audiovisual discourse processing. Human Communication Research43, 344-362.


J35. Wang, Z., & Busemeyer, J. R. (2016). Interference effects of categorization on decision making. Cognition, 150, 133-149. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2016.01.019


J34. Shan, X., Wang, Z., & David, P. (2016). Media multitasking and well-being of university students. Computers in Human Behavior55, 242-250.


J33. Wang, Z., & Busemeyer, J. R. (2015). Reintroducing the concept of complementarity into psychology. Frontiers in Psychology.


J32. Wang, Z., & Busemeyer, J. R. (2015). Comparing quantum versus Markov random walk models of judgments measured by rating scales. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society AMathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.


J31. Brainerd, C. J., Wang, Z., Reyna, V. F., & a Nakamura, K. (2015). Episodic memory does not add up: Verbatim-gist superposition predicts violations of the additive law of probability. Journal of Memory and Language84, 224-245.


J30. Bruza, P. D., Wang, Z., & Busemeyer, J. R. (2015). Quantum cognition: A new theoretical approach to psychology. Trends in Cognitive Science19(7), 383-393. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2015.05.001 * Feature review. **Authors contributed to the article equally.


J29. Busemeyer, J. R., & Wang, Z. (2015). What is quantum cognition, and how is it applied to psychology? Current Directions in Psychological Science24(3), 163-169. doi: 10.1177/0963721414568663


J28.   Banjo, O., Appiah, O., Wang, Z., Brown, C., & Walther, W. (2015). Co-viewing effects of ethnic-oriented programming: An examination of in-group bias and racial comedy exposure. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 92(3), 662-680. doi: 10.1177/1077699015581804


J27.   Wang, Z., Vang, M. H., Lookadoo, K. L., Tchernev, J., &  Cooper, C. (2015). Engaging high-sensation seekers: The dynamic interplay of sensation seeking, message visual-auditory complexity and arousing content. Journal of Communication65,101-124. doi: doi:10.1111/jcom.12136

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J26.  Busemeyer, J. R., Wang, Z., Pothos, E. M. & Trueblood, J. S. (2015). The conjunction fallacy, confirmation, and quantum theory: Comment on Tentori, Crupi & Russo (2013). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144, 236-243. doi:

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J25.   Wang, Z., Irwin, M., Cooper, C., & Srivastava, J. (2015). Multi-dimensions of media multitasking and adaptive media selection. Human Communication Research, 41, 102- 127. doi:10.1111/hcre.12042


J24.   Busemeyer, J. R., Wang, Z., & Shiffrin, R. (2015). Bayesian comparison of a quantum versus a traditional model of human decision making. Decision, 2, 1-12.


J23.    Wang, Z., Solloway, T., Shiffrin, R. M., & Busemeyer, J. (2014). Context effects produced by question orders reveal quantum nature of human judgments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(26), 9431-9436. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1407756111

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J22.   Wang, Z. (2014). Bridging media processing and selective exposure: A dynamic motivational model of media channel choices and choice response time. Communication Research, 41(8), 1064-1087. doi: 10.1177/0093650214534963

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J21.   Busemeyer, J. R., Wang, Z., Khrennikov, A., & Basieva, I.(2014). Applying quantum principles to psychology. Physica Scripta, T163, 014007.

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J20.  Busemeyer, J. R., & Wang, Z. (2014). Quantum cognition: Key issues and discussion. Topics in Cognitive Science, 6, 1-4.

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J19.   Wang, Z. Morey, A. C., & Srivastava, J. (2014). Motivated selective attention during political ad processing: The dynamic interplay between emotional ad content and candidate evaluation. Communication Research, 41, 119-156. doi: 10.1177/0093650212441793

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J18.   Wang, Z., Busemeyer, J. R., Atmanspacher, H., & Pothos, E. M. (2013). The potential of using quantum theory to build models of cognition. Topics in Cognitive Science, 5, 672-­‐688. doi: 10.1111/tops.12043

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J17.   Wang, Z., & Busemeyer, J. R. (2013). A quantum question order model supported by empirical tests of an a priori and precise prediction. Topics in Cognitive Science, 5, 689-­‐710. doi: 10.1111/tops.12040

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J16.   Brainerd, C., Wang, Z., & Reyna, V. (2013). Superposition of episodic memories: Overdistribution and quantum models. Topics in Cognitive Science, 5, 773-­‐799. doi: 10.1111/tops.12039

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J15.   Lang, A., Sanders-­‐Jackson, A., Wang, Z., & Rebenking, B. (2012). Motivated message processing: How motivational activation influences resource allocation, encoding, and storage of TV messages. Motivation and Emotion, 37, 508-­‐517. doi: 10.1007/s11031-­‐012-­‐9329-­‐y

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J14.   Wang, Z., Solloway, T., Tchernev, J., & Barker, B. (2012). Dynamic motivational processing of anti-­‐marijuana messages: Coactivation begets attention. Human Communication Research, 38, 485-­‐509.

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J13.   Wang, Z., Tchernev, J., & Solloway, T. (2012). A dynamic longitudinal examination of social media use, needs, and gratifications among college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 1829-­‐1839. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2012.05.001

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J12.   Wang, Z., & Tchernev, J. (2012). The “myth” of media multitasking: Reciprocal dynamics of media multitasking, personal needs, and gratifications. Journal of Communication, 62, 493-­‐513. doi:10.1111/j.1460-­‐2466.2012.01641.x

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J11.   Wang, Z., David, P., Srivastava, J., Powers, S. R., D’Ángelo, J., Brady, C., & Moreland, J. (2012). Behavioral performance and visual attention in communication multitasking: A comparison between instant messaging and online voice chat. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 968-­‐975. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2011.12.018

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J10.  Wang, Z., & Lang, A. (2012).Reconceptualizing excitation transfer as motivational activation changes and a test of the television program context effects. Media Psychology, 15, 68-­‐92. doi: 10.1080/15213269.2011.649604

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J9.   Wang, Z., Lang, A, & Busemeyer, J. R. (2011). Motivational processing and choice behavior during television viewing: An integrative dynamic approach. Journal of Communication, 61, 71-­‐93. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-­‐2466.2010.01527.x

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J8.    Wang, Z., & Gantz, W. (2010). Health content in local television news: A current appraisal. Health Communication, 25, 230–237. doi: 10.1080/10410231003698903

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J7.    Busemeyer, J., Wang, Z., & Lampert-­‐Mogiliansky, A. L. (2009). Empirical comparison of Markov and quantum models of decision making. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 53, 423-­‐433. doi: 10.1016/

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J6.    Gantz, W., & Wang, Z. (2009). Coverage of cancer in local television news. Journal of Cancer Education, 24, 65-­‐72. doi:10.1080/08858190802664727

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J5.    Wang, Z., & Gantz, W. (2007). Health content in local television news. Health Communication, 21, 213-­‐221. doi: 10.1080/10410230701307527

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J4.    Lang, A., Park, B. H., Sanders, A., Wilson, B., & Wang, Z. (2007). Cognition and emotion in TV message processing: How valence, arousing content, structural complexity, and information density affect the availability of cognitive resources. Media Psychology, 10, 317-­‐338. doi: 10.1080/15213260701532880

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J3.     Busemeyer, J. R., Wang, Z., & Townsend, J. T. (2006). Quantum dynamics of human decision-­‐making. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 50, 220-­‐241. doi: 10.1016/

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J2.     Gantz, W., Wang, Z., Paul, B, & Potter, R.F. (2006). Sports versus all comers: Comparing TV sports fans with fans of other programming genres. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 50, 95-­‐118. doi: 10.1207/s15506878jobem5001_6

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J1.     Lang, A., Shin, M., Bradley, S.D., Wang, Z., Lee, S., & Potter, D. (2005). Wait! Don’t turn that dial! More excitement to come! The effects of story length and production pacing in local television news on channel changing behavior and information processing in a free choice environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 49, 3-­‐22. doi: 10.1207/s15506878jobem4901_2

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C12. a Irwin, M., & Wang, Z. (in press). Dynamic systems modeling. International encyclopedia of communication research methods. In J. Matthes, R. Potter, & C. Davis (Eds), International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods, San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

C11. a Xu, S., & Wang, Z. (in press). Multitasking. In P. Rossler (Ed.), International encyclopedia of media effects. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

C10. Wang, Z., & Busemeyer, J. R. (2016). Order effects in sequential judgments and decisions. In H. Atmanspacher & S. Maasen (Eds), Reproducibility: Principles, practices, and problems (pp.391-406). San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

C9. a Irwin, M., & Wang, Z. (2015). Media multitasking. In R. Scott & S. Kosslyn (Eds.),  Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

C8. Busemeyer, J. R., Wang, Z., Pothos, E. (2015). Quantum models of cognition and decision. In J. R. Busemeyer, Z. Wang, J. T. Townsend, & A. Eidels (Eds), Oxford handbook of computational and mathematical psychology (pp.369-389). NY: Oxford University Press.

C7. Busemeyer, J. R., Wang, Z., Eidels, A., & Townsend, J. T. (2015). Review of basic mathematical concepts used in mathematical psychology. In J. R. Busemeyer, Z. Wang, J. T. Townsend, & A. Eidels (Eds), Oxford handbook of computational and mathematical psychology (pp.1-10). NY: Oxford University Press.

C6. Wang, Z., & Gantz, W. (2014). Media content: Televised News. In T. L., Thompson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of health communication. Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE.

C5. Wang, Z., & Gantz, W. (2014). Media content: Newspaper. In T. L., Thompson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of health communication. Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE.

C4. Wang, Z. (2013). Excitation transfer theory. In M. S. Eastin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of media violence. Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE.

C3. Busemeyer, J. R., Wang, Z. (2010). Quantum probability applied to social and behavioral sciences. In C. Rangacharyulu & E. Haven (Eds.), Proceedings of the first Interdisciplinary CHESS Interactions Conference (pp. 115-126). Singapore: World Scientific.

C2. Bucy, E., Gantz, W., & Wang, Z. (2007). News and new technology: Contending with the 24-hour news cycle. In C. A. Lin & D. Atkin (Eds.), Communication technology and social change (pp.143-163). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

C1. Gantz, W., Wang, Z., & Bradley, S.D. (2006). Televised NFL games, the family, and domestic violence. In A. A. Raney & J. Bryant (Eds.), Handbook of sports and media (pp.365-381). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.


P5. Wang, Z., Solloway, T., & Busemeyer, J. (2013). New empirical tests of a quantum model for question order effects. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1575-1580). Austin TX: Cognitive Science Society.

P4. Busemeyer, J. R., Wang, Z., & Trueblood, J. (2012). Hierarchical Bayesian estimation of quantum decision model parameters. In J. R. Busemeyer, F. Dubois, A. Lambert-Mogiliansky, & M. Melucci (Eds.), Quantum interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7620 (pp. 80-89). Springer.

P3. Busemeyer, J. R., & Wang, Z. (2007). Quantum information processing explanation for interactions between inferences and decisions. In P. D. Bruza, W. Lawless, K. van Rijsbergen, & D. A. Sofge (Eds.), Quantum interaction, AAAI Spring Symposium, Technical Report, SS-07-08 (pp. 91-97). Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.

P2. Wang, Z., Busemeyer, J.R., & Lang, A. (2006). Grazing or staying tuned: A dynamic stochastic model of channel changing behavior. In R. Sun & N. Miyake (Eds.), The 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society & the 5th International Conference of the Cognitive Science (pp.870-875). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

P1. Busemeyer, J.R., Matthew, M.R., & Wang, Z. (2006). A quantum information processing explanation of disjunction effects. In R. Sun & N. Miyake (Eds.), The 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society & the 5th International Conference of the Cognitive Science (pp.131-135). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.