2017-present          Full Professor

2013-2017               Associate Professor (with tenure)

2007-2013              Assistant Professor

Faculty, School of Communication, OSU

Director, Communication and Psychophysiology Lab (CAPLab)

Affiliated faculty, Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Affiliated faculty, Decision Science Collaborative

Faculty-in-Residence & Leadership team, Translational Data Analytics


Ph.D., Communication & Cognitive Science (double-major), Indiana University-Bloomington, 2007
B.S., Journalism & Communication, China Youth University for Political Sciences, Beijing, 2001


  • Motivation, emotion, and cognition in media processing and choice behavior; media design and evaluation.
  • Reciprocal dynamics of choice behavior and information processing; mHealth (mobile health) applications.
  • Psychophysiological methods; dynamic computational modeling methods; more recently, data fusion and big data.
  • Quantum probabilistic and dynamic models of cognition and decision; contextualized communication, decision and choices; more recently, extending the work to communication networks and a new theory for modeling networks
  • Recent awards:

Distinguished Teaching and Service Award, Humanities and Cognitive Sciences High School Summer Institute, 2018

The Best Research, American Society of Trial Consultants, 2017

Denis McQuail Award (2016) and ASCoR Honorary Fellow (2017-2018) for “the best article advancing communication theory published in a peer-reviewed journal in the previous two years”

Top Paper Award, International Communication Association, Information Systems, 2016

Mattox Award for research productivity and impact ($10,000), SoC, OSU, 2015

ScienceDirect Top 25 hottest article in Journal of Mathematical Psychology (Continuously ranked every quarter, 2006-2015)

Most Cited Article in the Past Five Years (2009-2014), Journal of Mathematical Psychology

Most Cited Article in the Past Five Years (2006-2011), Journal of Mathematical Psychology

Top Faculty Paper Award, International Communication Association, Communication and Technology, 2013

Top Paper Award, National Communication Association, Human Communication and Technology, 2012

Top Paper Award, International Communication Association, Information System, 2008

External, Federal Research Grants

PI, the OSU subaward, U.S. Army Research Office MURI grant (Pending), “Developing generalized probability and utility theories for predicting team decision making constrained by non-commutative communication networks,” $1,023,532 to Wang, 2019-2024;

Co-PI, NSF, “Wireless Fully-Passive Multi-Channel Neural Recording for Chronic In-Vivo Studies” (PI: John Volakis), $160,000 to Wang and $999,179 across research sites, 2016-2019

PI, NSF, “Construct a General Hilbert Space Multi-dimensional Model,” $500,000 in total, 2016-2019

PI, the OSU site, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), “Quantum Theory for Dynamic Strategic Decision Making” (FA 9550-15-1-0343), $810,000 in total, 2015-2019

PI, NSF, “Quantum Decision Theory” (SES 1153846), $50,000 in total, 2012-2014

PI, the OSU site, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), “Applications of Quantum Probability Theory to Dynamic Decision Making” (FA 9550-12-1-0397), $607,712 in total, 2012-2015

PI, NSF, “Quantum Information Processing” (SES 0818277), $450,000 in total, 2009-2012

Read More about My Research and the CAP Lab

Welcome to visit our Communication and Psychophysiology (CAP) Lab webpage here on

Also I’m affiliated faculty at the Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences [the CCBS] and the Decision Science Collaborative [Decision]. I also serve on the Faculty Advisory Board of Translational Data Analytics [TDA@OSU].© Copyright – | The Dynamics Of Cognation & Communication – Enfold Theme by Kriesi